CCF Young Computer Scientists & Engineers Forum
时 间 | 事 项 | 主持人 |
13:40-14:00 | 签到 | 李 琳、何 鹏 |
14:00-14:05 | 论坛背景介绍 | |
14:05-14:35 | 引导发言一:Embedding learning in intelligent code analysis 徐贯东 教授 悉尼科技大学 | |
14:35-15:05 | 引导发言二:人工智能技术在语言评测中的应用 李鑫 博士 科大讯飞研究院研究主管 | |
15:05-15:10 | 合影 茶歇 | |
15:10-15:40 | 引导发言三:Knowledge-based Personalized Services 陶晓辉 副教授 南昆士兰大学 | |
15:40-18:00 | 论坛环节 vs 小结 |
李 琳 武汉理工大学计算机学院 2019-2020届YOCSEF武汉副主席
何 鹏 湖北大学计算机与信息工程学院 2019-2020届YOCSEF武汉主席
Dr Guandong Xu is a Professor at School of Computer Science, University of Technology Sydney and CUHK visiting Professor, specialising in Data Science, Data Analytics, Recommender Systems, Web Mining, Text mining and NLP, Social Network Analysis, and Social Media Mining. He has published three monographs, dozens of book chapters and edited conference proceedings, and 200+ journal and conference papers in decent journals and conferences. He leads Data Science and Machine Intelligence Lab at UTS. He is the assistant Editor-in-Chief of World Wide Web Journal and has been serving in editorial board or as guest editors for several international journals. He has received a number of Awards from academia and industry community, such as 2018 Top-10 Australian Analytics Leader Award.
题目: Embedding learning in intelligent code analysis
摘要: Embedding learning is a widely used machine learning algorithm and has been successfully applied in various data sources, e.g. matrices, sequences, and graphs, and various application tasks, e.g. NLP, code analysis, and recommendations. The major advantage of embedding learning is to derive concise but latent representative from original data observations. In this talk, we will introduce our recent research work on code summarization and code search via embedding learning.
Dr. Xiaohui Tao is Associate Professor in School of Sciences, University of Southern Queensland (USQ), Australia. His research interests include text mining, information retrieval, natural language processing, semantic web, and healthcare. During his research career, Tao has gained a wealth of knowledge and experience in dealing with massive datasets and delivering solutions to complex research problems. Many contributions have been made to Ontology Learning, Web Intelligence, Data Mining, and Information Retrieval. The research results have been published in many highly ranked journals (e.g., IEEE TKDE, KBS, and PRL) and conferences (e.g., ICDE, PAKDD, CIKM, KSEM, and WISE), marking a total 90+ refereed publications. Tao is the current Managing Editor of IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin. He has served as PC Co-Chair in WI and BESC conferences and a Guest Editor in WWWJ, IJMLC and many others.
题目: Knowlege-based Personalized Services
摘要: The recent breakthroughts in Bid Data and Artificial Intelligence have presented opportunities as well as great challenges to organisations who tend to deliver superior services to communities. Industries like healthcare are transforming from experience-basis to evidence-basis with personalisation. We urge knowledge bases like knowledge graph and ontology play an important role in such transformation. This talk will present our recent works on an knowledge-based model for user profiling and personalised services in information gathering and healthcare.
李 琳 18971112225
何 鹏 15623729083